The State of Siebel: Report and Survey

If you weren't able to follow Bruce Daley's webinar "Where Do You Stand with Siebel" yesterday, here is a short wrap-up:

Oracle Siebel CRM is a mature application showing both continued robustness and signs of age. With Oracle sending mixed messages about the product’s future, Bruce Daley, VP at Constellation Research has published a report which helps Oracle Siebel customers understand the real position Siebel technology holds in the market, why the conventional wisdom about the product is often wrong, and what trends are driving misconceptions in the market. It also offers pragmatic advice for taking Siebel implementations in different directions and how associated careers will be impacted.

You can view the replay and download the slides here.

You can download the report with compliments of Rimini Street here.

State of Siebel 2013 Survey

Along with the report, Constellation Research and the Siebel Essentials blog are conducting a survey to feel the pulse of the Siebel community. If you are involved in a Siebel CRM project, please take some minutes to fill in the survey form.

Click here to access the survey.

Constellation Research to Host Webinar on Where You Stand with Siebel

This free 45 minute webinar will discuss what different directions Oracle Siebel professionals can take their Siebel implementation and their careers.

Who: J. Bruce Daley, Vice President and Principal Analyst Constellation Research
What: Webinar: "Where Do You Stand With Siebel”
When: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. US Pacific time

Constellation Research, Inc., the award-winning research and advisory firm focused on disruptive technologies is offering a free 45 minute webinar to introduce a new analyst, J. Bruce Daley, in one of his primary research areas - the standing, enhancement, and conversion of legacy enterprise class software technology.

His topic will be the different directions Oracle Siebel customers, partners, and consultants can take their Siebel implementation and their careers. This year marks the 20th anniversary of Siebel technology and as a mature application it shows signs of both robustness and age. With Oracle sending mixed messages about the product’s future, this webinar helps people making a living with Siebel determine exactly where they stand.

“Clearly Siebel technology is not dead and plays an important role in the IT infrastructure of many of our clients” noted R “Ray” Wang, CEO of Constellation Research.  “Figuring out exactly where Siebel fits into the mix is challenging. We are excited that Bruce will bring his wealth of understand and experience to helping Siebel customers meet this challenge. ”

Daley was, for many years, the publisher of the Siebel Observer, the largest publication covering the CRM pioneer.  Later he co-founded a boutique advisory services firm that brokered the sale of system integrator Blue Hammock Inc. to GCI International (now called Collabera) and conducted over 250 consultations with mutual funds, hedge funds, and private equity funds. Widely quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Financial Times, Daley also founded the Enterprise Software Summit.

His first research paper for Constellation: “Seeing the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Legacy ApplicationsHow to Attack or Defend an Installed Base by Understanding How to Qualify the Success of a Legacy Applications was published this week. This original research helps sales representatives and sales management determine how likely a legacy implementation is to be converted so they can qualify opportunities and threats more quickly. The report is available for purchase at

His second research paper “The State of Siebel in the 2013 Market: Different Strategies for Moving Siebel Implementations Forward and Assessing Career Risk will be published next week. This research helps Oracle Siebel customers understand the real position Siebel technology holds in the market, why the conventional wisdom about the product is often wrong, and what the trends driving the misconceptions in the market. The report also offers pragmatic advice for taking different Siebel implementations in different directions and how they will impact different careers. The report will be available on the Constellation website Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at:

9:30 a.m. US Pacific time
10:30 a.m. US Mountain time
11:30 a.m. US Central time
12:30 a.m. US Eastern time
17:30 UK time
18:30 Central European time

Webinar Information: To register for this complimentary webinar, go to:

Open UI: Tab Order Defect

In a scene from The Matrix I, Neo has a moment of deja vu, when he sees a black cat walk by twice. His companions freeze in their tracks, because this usually means The Matrix has been altered. Readers of Impossible Siebel, also had their black cat moment, when they discovered the Tab Order defect in, and then saw the same Tab Order defect again in Just like that deja-vu moment, here we are again facing a Tab order defect in Open UI popup applets.

This problem affects any popup applet in OUI that has a custom tab sequence. To see this problem visually, goto any applet, enter query mode, and click on the Query Assistant applet.

Right click on the first control this applet, and inspect the source for this element.

Do the same for other controls and buttons on this applet. By default, all controls on a popup applet have a tab index of 0.

Next, find this applet in Tools, and add a custom Tab sequence, the actual sequence doesn't matter, as long as it is defined. This causes Siebel to produce the tabIndex attribute, and provide an actual sequence.

After our little modification, inspect the source code again, and it should look something like this.

This looks good, Siebel correctly generates the correct tab sequence, however try tabbing through all the controls on the applet, and watch what happens when the the last tab sequence is reached

The tab order doesn't cycle back to the first control as it did before, but it jumps back to the base applet behind the popup applet. This causes a commit, and can produce the above error, depending on what your base applet is.

The reason behind this is, Siebel provides each of the base applets with a starting range for the tab sequence. The first applet starts at 1000, the next starts at 2000, and so on. When a popup is invoked, the controls on that applet are 0, if no tab sequence is specified, when a tab sequence is applied Siebel produces a tab sequence starting from 10000. When the last control is reached on the popup applet, it naturally returns back to the first applet, causing a commit and consequently an error.


1. Create a global render
2. Detect if the applet is a popup
3. Check for a custom tabIndex sequence
4. Put a custom event handler on the last tab index
5. Move the cursor back to the first control, when it reaches the last control


The strategy to create a global handler has already been discussed in the Open UI: Mouseover Tool Tips - Part 1 article.

1. In summary create the following JS file

if(typeof( SiebelAppFacade.PhysicalRenderer.prototype.bShowUIProxy ) === "undefined"){
        var PRShowUI = SiebelAppFacade.PhysicalRenderer.prototype.ShowUI;
        return function(){
            Global_PreShowUI.apply(this, arguments);
            PRShowUI.apply(this, arguments);
            Global_PostShowUI.apply(this, arguments);

//put Global Pre ShowUI logic here
function Global_PreShowUI(){
var pm=this.GetPM();

//put Global Post ShowUI logic here
function Global_PostShowUI(){

2. Add an entry into the custom_manifest.xml

3. Add the following code sample into your client side script library.

SiebelApp.ABC.fixPopupFormAppletTabOrder=function (pm){ 
    var oAppletTabIndex,aAppletTabIndex; 
    //Get all popup applet controls with tabindex
    oAppletTabIndex = $("div[name='popup']").find("div.mceGridField>input[tabindex], button[tabindex]");
        //turn jquery object into array for sorting
        aAppletTabIndex = (oAppletTabIndex, function( o) {
            return ($(o).attr("tabindex")>0)?{ tag: $(o).prop("tagName"), seq: $(o).attr("tabindex"), sel: ($(o).prop("tagName")=="BUTTON")?"[id='"+$(o).attr("id")+"_Ctrl']":"[name='"+$(o).attr("name")+"']" }:null;

        //sort on seq
        aAppletTabIndex.sort(function(o1, o2) { return o1.seq > o2.seq ? 1 : o1.seq < o2.seq ? -1 : 0; });

            var sSelectorFirst=aAppletTabIndex[0].sel;
            var sSelectorLast=aAppletTabIndex[aAppletTabIndex.length-1].sel;
            //attach jquery handler on last tab index, and set focus back to the first tab index
            $(sSelectorLast).blur(function() {



Code Explanation

    //Get all popup applet controls with tabindex
    oAppletTabIndex = $("div[name='popup']").find("div.mceGridField>input[tabindex], button[tabindex]");
Grabs all fields and buttons on the popup applet where there is a tab index defined.

    //turn jquery object into array for sorting
    aAppletTabIndex = (oAppletTabIndex, function( o) {
            return ($(o).attr("tabindex")>0)?{ tag: $(o).prop("tagName"), seq: $(o).attr("tabindex"), sel: ($(o).prop("tagName")=="BUTTON")?"[id='"+$(o).attr("id")+"_Ctrl']":"[name='"+$(o).attr("name")+"']" }:null;
The above command uses, to turn the first jquery object into a filtered array, of objects that contains the control selector, and tab sequence.

         //sort on seq
        aAppletTabIndex.sort(function(o1, o2) { return o1.seq > o2.seq ? 1 : o1.seq < o2.seq ? -1 : 0; });
Apply a sort on the new array, based on the sequence property that we created using the command.

            var sSelectorFirst=aAppletTabIndex[0].sel;
            var sSelectorLast=aAppletTabIndex[aAppletTabIndex.length-1].sel;
            //attach jquery handler on last tab index, and set focus back to the first tab index
            $(sSelectorLast).blur(function() {

Once we have a sorted array, we can use the selector attribute to attach a handler to the last tab index control, which forces focus back to the first control

4. Restart your client, and now enjoy your new found love for tabIndex