Not so long ago, I received a book in the post from our good friends from Oracle (Ford, D & Hansal, A & Leibert, K & Peterson, J, (2015) Oracle Siebel Open UI Developer's Handbook: Oakamoor, P8Tech). I spent a weekend scrutinising the book and came away thoroughly impressed. So here is my perspective of the book.
As one of the early adopters of Siebel Open UI, I had to learn the product quickly, train internal developers, and establish a build process for working with this new technology. The tools, scaffolding, processes and Open UI knowledge was then passed onto the next generation of developers.
A lot of effort was put into establishing this internal competency, as it was done at a time when knowledge of Open UI was scarce, Open UI instructors were themselves being trained, so the best way to learn was to look through the source code, and browse the API tree using the browser console.
Now days training can be arranged quite easily, there are numerous blogs that spread Open UI knowledge, and you could still learn a lot by looking at the source code, so does this new book add any value? I contend that the "Oracle Siebel Open UI Developer's Handbook" provides significant value for the serious Open UI developer.
"Oracle Siebel Open UI Developer's Handbook” is a comprehensive book, and its likely that you’ll need to read over many times to really gain benefit from it, there are sections that you’ll skim over because it may not be relevant in your current role, but its comprehensiveness is part of its broad appeal. The book covers Open UI basics, manifest, PM/PR, architecture, installation and deployment, visualisations, CSS themes, advanced scripting, integration and even mobile development.
Much has changed since I delved into the product that was then IP2012. The whole development team was sent on Advanced Open UI training, and since then only a handful of lucky people got to work with the technology. The half of the team that actively works with the technology are certainly more skilled than the other half that hasn’t use their training. This book appeals to both markets, as it is aimed squarely at the developer, and doesn’t make any assumptions about the level of the reader.
Siebel projects around the world would have a similar mixed bag of Open UI knowledge. IP2012 is now superseded by IP2013, and IP2014 and the product has evolved quite drastically, so your skills might not be where you think it is. This book provides a great chance for Open UI professionals to learn the latest developments from the Open UI product or solidify their existing knowledge, without going through further training.
Alternatively developers can invest a bit of time going through bookshelf, and trawl through all the articles on the web to self learn Open UI, it is certainly possible, but learning Open UI is not a natural stepping stone for many Siebel developers, and for the seasoned developer like myself, who is quite time poor, I found the book to be an excellent investment of my time, and wished I had it when I first learned Open UI.
This book adds great value, as you learn Open UI from the 4 of the best Open UI experts in the world. If you like @lex’s work on Siebel Essentials (Siebel Hub), then this book is more of the same awesomeness, but packaged for the Open UI professional.
This book adds great value, as you learn Open UI from the 4 of the best Open UI experts in the world. If you like @lex’s work on Siebel Essentials (Siebel Hub), then this book is more of the same awesomeness, but packaged for the Open UI professional.
Get it here from Amazon
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